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张文宇教授应邀在2019年第二届大数据科技国际会议(ICBDT 2019)作主旨报告

来源:amjs澳金沙门 作者:审核人:发布时间:2019-09-10点击数:

2019828-30日,由济南大学主办、山东大学等单位协办的第二届大数据科技国际会议(ICBDT 2019在济南召开。

瑞典Dalarna UniversityWilliam Song教授、中国人民大学高瓴人工智能学院院长文继荣教授、山东大学软件学院院长崔立真教授、我院张文宇教授等分别做了大会主旨报告。张文宇教授的报告题目是Key technologies of stock forecasting models based on big data and crowd intelligence



    Along with the economic development, an increasing number of factors and high-order data have considerably influenced the fluctuations in stock market. Many existing studies have considered the spatio-temporal correlation of stock index but ignored the comprehensive influence of crowd intelligence on stock index with changes in time and space. Therefore, to improve the forecasting accuracy of the multi-factor and high-order time series stock forecasting models, some key technologies based on big data and crowd intelligence are explored, by combining knowledge graph, crowd sensing, semantic search, personalized recommendation, game theory, fuzzy time series, credit scoring, deep learning, etc. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model shows outstanding forecasting accuracy compared with the benchmark methods on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index and Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index.


