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2.Lin WW, Zeng HW, Gao HH, Miao HK, Wang XL. Test Sequence Reduction of Wireless Protocol Conformance Testing to Internet of Things. Security and Communication Networks, 2018(6): 1-13.
3.Lin WW, Zeng HW, Jung YK. A Combining Method for Wireless Protocol Conformance Testing: A Empirical Case. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021(3). 1-14.
5.Lin WW, Zeng HW. Test Sequence Generation Based on Chain Unique Input-Output Sequence in FSM Conformance Testing. 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), Accepted, 2021.
6.王晓琳,曾红卫,林玮玮.敏捷开发环境中的回归测试优化技术.计算机学报, 2019, 42(10): 2323-2338.
7.Wang XL, Zeng HW, Gao HH,Lin WW. Location-Based Test Case Prioritization for Software Embedded in Mobile Devices Using the Law of Gravitation. Mobile Information Systems, 2019:1-14.